Saturday, May 9, 2009

This is my blog debut!

My name is Dane and I'm ten in 12 days =)

I am a American Norwegian boy.

I'm living in Norway so i have this blog to keep in touch with the rest of the family back home.

I hope you like my blog but it wont be so interesting this week because I'm an beginner.
I'm cute aren't i???


  1. Thanks for the Mothers Day wishes. It's a quiet day in Kansas City and kind of rainy. Talked to all of my kids and grandkids so it is a nice day for me.Love your blog and will spread the word abut your blog. Yes, you ARE a cute kid and I miss you very much. xoxo Mor Mor

  2. OK it's now at the end of your third day nd I see you've picked up a couple more followers. Rock Star?? Ask your mom she was a definite follower of the 80's. Don't you have a couple of long dark wigs from Halloween? Keep posting I'm letting people know but you have to give thems to read. XOXOXO

  3. Hello Lars Edgar; read your blog and it is cool. I'm eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and wish you were here, to eat one with me.Fudge and I walked yesterday morning,the weather is nice. Aunt Ali wil be home for a couple of days so she a I are going to a Royals baseball game, They just spent over a million dollars giving the stadium a "face-lift...XOXO Grand pa

  4. Dane, I love your blog and I definitely think you're cute!!! :)

  5. thank you and i hope more pepole will visit my blog :)
