Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Eva (my little sister)´s birthday!!! :)) and our

My little sister Eva had her birthday for about two days ago! She is five,i can not believe it!

Eva had a guitar cake like a Hannah Montana theme.

Friday, May 29, 2009

10 yeas old!!!!

I´m ten, I´m ten!!!! wohooo.
I´m finely 10 years old :).
oh and my birthday was a great!!!
we did lot of activities that were kinda fun....
I lost on every one :((
On limbo I fell,on the dancing game (We dance when the music plays and when it stops we freeze,and if we move if the music stopped we´r out). so I moved and I was out of the game...when the music stopped...,and we play egg race with raw potato's...I lost :(.
But lets talk about something nice :).
My mom but allot of work in this party and it was awesome...(thanks mom :))
we had a guitar cake and I will try to get them on my blog tomorrow (hopefully).
well Iwill try to blog tomorrow to.

P.s remember what i said

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

May 17. Norway's Independence Day

May 17th is Norway's Independence Day...

We had a great time this year!

We start by meeting up at school & then all of the school kids march in the town parade...

We marched in the local parade & then went to my Uncles house for brunch before taking his sailboat into town for the BIGGER parade...

I spent most of the afternoon trying to collect as many RUSS CARDS as possible...

RUSS are kids about to finish school they are 18-19 years old & are going to go to the University.... (it is the same as being a Senior in American High School) On the first of May the RUSS will start wearing overalls decorated with a lot of different things that are important to them... they also have cards that they pass out to us younger kids.
This is what a Russ looks like.

This is my sister running away from a Russ...
Tomorrow is my 10th birthday.. Mom & dad have a surprise for me & were are going on a picnic..
I will write & tell you how my birthday is.

Friday, May 15, 2009

My day at school

My day at school was only FUN FUN FUN.
Today we had something called "groups".
There was on group who played soccer, one group that just played out side, and one group that was on the computer.And after that we did something called "walking in a train".
I said i was half Norwegian and half American right?
Well I'm living in Norway now,and their national day is really important.
So we walk in a train on the 17. of May and walk with big signs called "Faner" while we sing.
But we practice on "walking in a train" before the big day comes.
Oh and before i forget...after we "walk in a train" (parade) we go to town.

We do this because there´s a "russ train" there.....(a russ is a guy like 19 years old that walks around passing out their "Russ cards" to kids along the parade route.

It should be a great weekend! I will try to take some pictures for my blog.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

My birthday party

Its 1 week til my birthday and i am so exited.

So I've already told you that I'm gonna have a rock stare party.

But instead of dressing up as you're favored rock stare we are just gonna dress up as a rock stare.We are gonna have 12 gusts at my party.

We are gonna play guitar hero and do allot of that kinda stuff.

Keep telling people about my blog and i will keep writing on my blog and i will be hoping for more followers.
Thank you.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

This is my 2. day of blogging and I'm loving it=)
Its only 11 days to my birthday and we are gonna have a rock stare birthday.
all my friends are gonna be there and we are gonna dress up as are favored rock stare.
the only thing is i dint know who I'm gonna be =(
if you know who i can be plz write it on comments.

The comments are on the bottom of the page.

( happy mothers day to all the mothers that are
on my blog)

tell people about my blog.=)

Saturday, May 9, 2009

This is my blog debut!

My name is Dane and I'm ten in 12 days =)

I am a American Norwegian boy.

I'm living in Norway so i have this blog to keep in touch with the rest of the family back home.

I hope you like my blog but it wont be so interesting this week because I'm an beginner.
I'm cute aren't i???